STC Guard Card Training


When does my course expire?
What is my training deadline?

There is a hard time limit for the student to complete the coursework. When the time expires, the course becomes inaccessible. Each course has a different required completion time, depending upon state regulations and amount of material included in the course.

Don't worry. There is a generous amount of time for the student to complete the coursework. The completion time requirements are posted in multiple locations (STC website, LMS course catalog, and enrollment email).

There are no refunds on OVERDUE/EXPIRED courses.

Course Expiration

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My Training tab

The exact date your course expires is available from the My Training tab in the course listing. It appears directly below the course title. It includes the exact date the course expires and how may days remain to complete it.

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Other Locations

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STC Online Website, Course Description Page

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Learning Management System (LMS) Course Catalog

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Enrollment eMail

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Information provided on this site is educational. It is not legal advice. Training does not guarantee licensing or employment.