California Online Guard Card FAQ

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What does the BSIS look for in a background check?

To be eligible to apply for a security guard registration through the Bureau of Security and Investigative Service (BSIS), applicants must undergo a criminal history background check through the California Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) (BPC § 7581 and § 7583.9).


California Department of Justice (DOJ)

  1. Every conviction rendered against the applicant.
  2. Every arrest for an offense for which the applicant is presently awaiting trial, whether the applicant is incarcerated or has been released on bail or on his or her own recognizance pending trial.

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

  1. Fingerprint-based search of records in the national criminal history database.

Fingerprint images are forwarded to the FBI to perform a fingerprint-based search of records in the national criminal history database. If the applicant’s fingerprints match fingerprints in the national criminal history database, the FBI sends the DOJ a cumulative RAP sheet that contains criminal history information from any states or federal agencies that have reported the information to the FBI. If there is not a matching disposition for every out-of-state or federal arrest, the DOJ is again mandated by statute to perform the “genuine effort” to obtain the missing disposition information, just as with California arrests that are missing disposition information. Once the “genuine effort” is fulfilled, a DOJ technician must review the updated Rap sheet and prepare the background check response according to the statutory dissemination criterion.

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Information provided on this site is educational. It is not legal advice.