Explanation of Changes to Powers to Arrest Coursework

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Explanation of Changes to Powers to Arrest Coursework


Effective January 1, 2024

In January 2024, the California State Legislature enacted AB 229, which changed the content and delivery of the Powers to Arrest course in the following manner:

  • Lesson 1, "Powers to Arrest," was reduced to 3-hours.
  • Lesson 2, "Weapons of Mass Destruction and Terrorism Awareness" removed and replaced with "Appropriate Use of Force" (5-hours).
  • "Appropriate Use of Force" cannot be taught online. It must be taught in a physical facility by a live instructor.
  • "Powers to Arrest" can still be taught online.

What This Means

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The regulation change means that everyone desiring a California Guard Card must complete at least a portion of the required coursework in a training facility. This makes is very difficult to obtain a guard card in California as there are not enough training facilities in rural areas to meet the needs of guard card applicants.

See California Senate testimony of Alex Haddox, M.Ed. in opposition to AB 229.

What Do I Do?

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There are two options for completing the required training for a California Guard Card:

  1. Complete Lesson 1 online.
  2. Take the Lesson 1 certificate of completion to training facility.
  3. Complete Lesson 2 in a training facility with live instruction.
    The facility should collect the Lesson 1 (PtA) certificate of completion and issue a comprehensive certificate of completion and all application paperwork.


  1. Complete both Lessons 1 and 2 in a training facility with live instruction.
    The facility issues a certificate of completion and all application paperwork.


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There are facilities that refuse to recognize online certificates and require the applicant to take the entire course from them. These facilities state the BSIS requires training from a single course. This is untrue and a scam to get more money from the applicant. Below is the statement from the BSIS in its entirety.

August 7, 2024


Recent legislation (AB 229, Chapter 697, Statutes of 2021) AB 229 expanded the Bureau's Power to Arrest and firearms trainings to include topics on the appropriate use of force. AB 229 also mandated that at least half of the new training be in-person only.

The Bureau has seen an uptick in the number of complaints from applicants and licensees who are doing a portion of their training online, and then having to find a trainer to complete the in-person portion. The Bureau does not accept multiple training certificates for the Power to Arrest/Use of Force (PTA/UOF) training, nor do we accept multiple instructors signing off on a single certificate. (See Business and Professions Code 7583.10.)

The Bureau strongly recommends that all applicants and licensees get their training from a single source trainer and training facility, as it will not accept multiple certificates for the PTA/UOF training.

Notice that the single source for training is a RECOMMENDATION, not a requirement.

It is common for facility instructors to switch off during a lecture. One instructor may take the first few hours, or a specific topic, and a second instructor completes the remaining hours. However, only one (1), the "head" instructor, signs the paperwork and certificate of completion even though multiple instructors contributed to the lecture.

It is the same with online training. The online provider provides the first lecture and a different instructor completes the second lecture. Then, one (1) instructor completes the certificate and paperwork.

Security Training Center® is licensed by the BSIS. We, literally, all teach from the same book: The Powers to Arrest and Appropriate Use of Force Training Manual. Our course is no different that any other licensed training provider. The only reason not to accept an online certificate is greed.


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Bureau Update and Guidance and Power to Arrest/Use of Force Training

Business and Professions Code, DIVISION 3. PROFESSIONS AND VOCATIONS GENERALLY, CHAPTER 11.5. Private Security Services, ARTICLE 4. Private Patrol Operators, Section 7583.7

Information provided on this site is for educational purposes. It is not legal advice.