I don't live in California

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California residency is NOT a requirement to earn a California Security Guard Registration Card (Guard Card). There are many professionals who hold multiple guard cards for the states in which they work.

Our courses can be completed from anywhere in the world. The only tricky part of the application process is the background check. The background check requires fingerprints. In-state applicants must use the digital Live Scan process, which is not available outside of California. Out of state folks must submit ink fingerprint hard cards (form FD-258). The fingerprints must be taken by a local law enforcement agency (LEA). Private company fingerprint cards will be rejected.

CLICK HERE to download the "Criminal History Background Check Requirement" information sheet.

The BSIS takes 8-12 weeks to process applications. That processing window must be taken into consideration when planning a move to California. We strongly suggest completing the course in plenty of time to receive the California Guard Card at the old address, otherwise there is a risk the guard card will be missed in the mail.

If the California guard card is sent to an out of state address, the guard must submit a change of address form (or use the online form at https://www.breeze.ca.gov/) within 30-days of moving to California.

CLICK HERE to download the "Address Change (Personal)" form.

Fingerprint Hard Cards

If you live outside of California and cannot access a Live Scan site in this State, you need to complete your criminal history background check using the hard card fingerprint method. As the submitted hard cards are manually reviewed by FBI and DOJ staff, the minimum processing time is 8-12 weeks. Follow the steps below to complete the hard card fingerprint method:

  1. Locate a law enforcement agency (LEA) to complete fingerprint hard cards: Contact your local police or Sheriff's Department to inquire about having your fingerprints rolled.
  2. Complete TWO fingerprint hard cards (FD-258): Applicants must submit two hard cards to the Bureau- one for the FBI and one for the DOJ. Complete the following fields:
    • Signature of Person Fingerprinted: The applicant must sign their name in the space provided.
    • Residence of Person Fingerprinted: The applicant must write their residence address.
    • Employer and Address: Write the name of your employer, if applicable, and their address.
    • First, Middle, and Last Name ("NAM"): Write the name listed on your application.
    • Social Security Number ("SSN"): Write your SSN in the space provided.
    • Sex: Find the corresponding code located in the table below and write it in the space provided.
    • Race: Find the corresponding code located in the table below and write it in the space provided.
    • Height ("HGT."): Write your height in feet and inches.
    • Weight ("WGT."): Write your weight in pounds.
    • Eye Color ("EYES"): Find the corresponding code located in the table below and write it in the space provided.
    • Hair Color ("HAIR"): Find the corresponding code located in the table below and write it in the space provided.
    • Date of Birth ("DOB"): Write your DOB in the MM/DD/YYYY format.
    • Place of Birth ("POB"): Write the U.S. State, Territory (e.g. Guam, Puerto Rico), or country of birth. Use the correct abbreviation for foreign countries or correctly spell the name of the country. Do not list a county (e.g. Placer, Tuolumne) as a POB.


    Fingerprint Hard Card Codes
    Required Field Description Code
    (to be written on hard card)
    Sex Female F
    Male M
    Race Asian or Pacific Islander A
    Black B
    American Indian or Alaska Native I
    White W
    Eye Color Black BLK
    Blue BLU
    Brown BRO
    Gray GRY
    Green GRN
    Hazel HAZ
    Hair Color Bald BLD
    Black BLK
    Blonde (or strawberry) BLN
    Brown BRO
    Gray (or partially gray) GRY
    Red (or auburn) RED
    Sandy SDY
    White WHI


  3. Visit the LEA that agreed to complete your fingerprint hard cards: Take TWO hard cards with your completed personal information to the LEA that agreed to roll your fingerprints. Once the LEA has finished rolling your fingerprints, they will return the fingerprint card to you.
  4. Submit hard cards and payment to the Bureau: After receiving the hard cards back from the LEA, you must submit your fingerprints to the Bureau by mail. Please note, the DOJ and FBI charge a fee for processing fingerprint cards, which must be made directly to the Bureau. All BSIS license types, with the exception of firearms permits, are $49. The DOJ-FBI fee for processing fingerprint cards for a BSIS firearms permit is $87. You have the option of paying for your fingerprint hard cards by mail or online.

Submit by Mail

If submitting by mail, you should include a copy of your application or application summary (if you applied online in BreEZe) to ensure proper and timely processing of your application, payment, and fingerprint hard cards. Please note, fingerprint hard cards will not be mailed to the DOJ or FBI for processing until the full fee payment has been received by the Bureau.

Mail your TWO fingerprint hard cards and fingerprint processing fee payment to:

Bureau of Security and Investigative Services
P.O. Box 989002
West Sacramento, CA 95798

I have a guard card from another state

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Out of state guard licenses are not valid in California. You must obtain a California BSIS license to work as a security guard or bodyguard in California.

Information provided on this site is educational. It is not legal advice. Training does not guarantee licensing or employment.