California Online Guard Card FAQ

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California BSIS Unarmed Guard Card Application Process



The quick answer is...

  1. Complete Lesson 1 , Powers to Arrrest.
  2. Complete Lesson 2, Appropriate Use of Force (only available as live instruction).
  3. Submit the Application for Security Guard Registration.
  4. Pay the application fees.
  5. Submit the Live Scan and pay the fees.

Details are below.

Final Steps (after completing Lesson 2, Appropriate Use of Force )

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Complete and Submit Forms, Pay Fees

The final steps are to:

  1. Complete and submit the "Application for Security Guard Registration."
    $55 application fee is paid to the BSIS.
  2. Complete Live Scan.
    This is the digital fingerprinting/background check. Around a $75 fee is paid to the Live Scan operator.

Live Scan (digital fingerprinting) must be taken in person. There are Live Scan facilities all over the state. Use the following link to find the closest facility to you:

The application must be completed and submitted BEFORE the Live Scan is submitted.

A video on how to complete the application/forms can be found below.

What is a California Live Scan and How Long Does It Take?

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Video: How to Complete the California BSIS Initial Application Process

This video walks the viewer through completing the initial BSIS application process for the Unarmed Security Guard Registration Card.

Video: How to Complete the California Online BSIS Guard Card Application in BreEze

This video walks the viewer through completing the California Online BSIS Guard Card Application in BreEze.

BSIS Guard Card License Fees

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Effective JULY 1, 2018

As a result of legislation (SB 547, Chapter 429) signed into law in 2017, effective July 1, 2018, there will be new fee amounts for most license types regulated by the Alarm Company Act, Collateral Recovery Act, Locksmith Act, Private Security Services Act, and Proprietary Private Security Services Act.

BSIS License Fees

Security Guard (G) Fee
Initial $55
Renewal $40
Replacement Certificate $25

Guard Card Live Scan (Background Check) Fees

Applicants for a BSIS Security Guard Registration must undergo a criminal history background check through the FBI and DOJ. Applicants should use the Security Guard Request for Live Scan Form available on the Bureau's website as it contains the correct coding needed to ensure the Bureau receives the information in a timely manner. Applicants are responsible for paying all Live Scan, DOJ and FBI processing fees at the time of fingerprinting. Live Scan locations can be found on the Bureau's website.

Applicants must submit fingerprints electronically using Live Scan. Fees are paid to the Live Scan operator.

Item Fee
Department of Justice (DOJ) Fingerprint Fee $32.00
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Fingerprint Fee $17.00
Live Scan Operator Fees
(Set by Live Scan operator)
Total $49.00

Information provided on this site is educational. It is not legal advice. Training does not guarantee licensing or employment.